Tuesday, August 24, 2021

My Olympic Slides!

For my reading task last week we had to make an Olympic slide/Olympic animation. We had to do one about the Ancient Greek Olympics, the 1920 Olympics and the 2020 Olympics. It was hard work, it took me about three days to complete. I went on about 50 different websites and altogether it probably took me 2-3 hours to finish it but here it is! 😀 Which fact surprised you the most? Please let me know in the comments. 


  1. I did not know that they had tug a war in the Olympics ever. I have learnt something new today. I loved the way you presented your facts the pictures made you want to read the information. Well done Noah amazing work!

  2. Wow Noah, I can see how much effort you have put into this learning. The graphics are amazing for a start, and I love the formatting. I think I was a bit shocked with even your first bullet point about married woman not being able to watch the games!! This is great LEARN, CREATE, SHARE and I'm so impressed that I'd like to post it to the schools Facebook page. I see from your 'visitor log' that you are getting some great traffic to your blog.

  3. You were very creative with the graphics Noah, you made me laugh out loud! Love your sense of humor, while being so informative.
